things happen
when you
The Annual Giving Campaign is Davidson PTO’s largest fundraising effort, accounting for approximately 80% of funds raised each year. Because every student benefits from these funds, we ask that every family make a contribution toward our goal of $125,000. While our suggested donation for the school year is $550 per student, any contribution is important, no matter how large or small. It all adds up, and every dollar has a positive impact on our children’s education.
The Annual Giving Fund provides our students with programs and resources such as art supplies, field trips, musical instruments, athletic programs, Chromebooks and other technology, physical education equipment, lunchtime and afterschool clubs, classroom supplies, special instructional materials, and so much more. Without this funding, these things simply would not be available to our students.
Many companies have matching gift programs for employees that could double your donation. This extra support accounts for almost 10% of the money we raise each year. For more information, see our Corporate Matching page or contact your HR department.
Thank you in advance supporting our school and our students.
GREAT things happen when you GIVE!
The PTOs Mission is to support the Davidson Community of teachers, students, and families that nurtures the physical and emotional health of our children, promotes academic, social/emotional, and artistic excellence for lifelong learning, prepares our students to become outstanding citizens, supports the professional success of our teachers, and reflects core values of equity, mutual support and environmental stewardship.
Want to pay by cash or check?
Drop off in the front office at school
Mail to :
Annual Giving Fund
Davidson Middle School
280 Woodland Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Questions? Contact Us:
Thank you!
Davidson Middle School PTO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Tax ID: 83-4247489)